The pineapple is the fruit of a plant family Bromeliaceae , now grown in most tropical countries of the world, which are attributed very beneficial effects on health.
Aids circulation, because they are high in bromelain (found mainly in the juice and stem), which dissolves clots and thins the blood, preventing circulation problems such as thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes.
Help control blood pressure, especially hypertension.
promotes digestion because digests proteins, which ingest the fresh fruit after a meal helps the stomach to perform its function and eliminates side effects of indigestion such as gas, bloating, heartburn ... At the same time slows the passage of food through the stomach and produces a feeling of satiety so you eat less.
Prevents constipation, because it regulates bowel movements.
eliminates bacteria from the digestive tract causing intestinal pain and diarrhea. It is even effective against intestinal worms. That's because bromelain destroys the covering of chitin that protects them.
helps in the treatment of obesity for their ability to digest fats.
Helps eliminate body water, preventing water retention, and thus helping to reduce weight.
Effective in the treatment of cellulite because desinfiltración favors, movement and disposal of surface water.
eliminates toxins through the urine due to its cleansing effect, improving kidney problems, bladder or prostate.
have very useful anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain. A recent study in the journal Clinical Rheumatology similar properties attributed to diclofenac. Evita tendinitis and bursitis, and is therefore included in the diet of any athlete, and helps to cure back pain, sprains or dislocations.
acts against free radicals antioxidant action, fighting chronic disease and improving life expectancy of its consumers. Decreases
cholesterol levels by up to ten percent, which prevents strokes.
Improvement various diseases such as ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, gout, sinusitis, uric acid ...
Recent studies attributed properties against cancer. A bromelain molecule blocks a protein defective in thirty percent of cancers and other factors stimulates the immune system attack and destroy cancer cells. This occurs in the breast, lung, colon, ovarian and melanoma.
Finally, a culinary curiosity: if cooking meat to add a piece of pineapple or a splash of juice are much more tender and juicy.
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