The DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico) has been referred to a panel of experts the task of managing the processing of fines more promptly. The result is a series of amendments designed to prevent rogue traders, and the use of new technologies.
It creates the usual driver. When the time of committing the offense does not stop the vehicle (for example, because it was detected by a radar station), it is necessary to identify the driver. Although usually done on a voluntary basis, there are some cases, most seriously, in that it is not. A Constitutional Court ruling has set a precedent that if the owner of the vehicle to avoid identification, this suggests that it was he who committed the violation. The proposal is that by making the registration or transfer of a vehicle, in addition to the information already provided (home, NIF ...) specifies a common conductor is an individual and driver's license, because if the owner is a legal entity or individual without permission you can not charge the penalty. Any infringement in which it does not stop the vehicle and not know who leads fall on the regular driver, who may rely on information that exonerated.

SMS or email notification. Currently notification of a traffic ticket is by mail, but for various reasons (the most common change of address), in many cases the notice is less than interested. The next step in the publication in the Official Gazette of province where the violation occurred, which the offender is almost never full. The proposal is that this notification is made by email, sms or telephone advice. According to the Law on Electronic Access to Public Services could require that a legal person (company, association ...) provide an email to make the registration or transfer of a vehicle. In the case of an individual would also be advisable, but if not, should provide a phone number, fixed or mobile, where they report a possible violation. If communication is understood to ignore the rejection of the notice and proceed with the publication in the newsletter appropriate official, as a novelty, a website established for this purpose.
vehicle immobilization. When to stop a vehicle, the officer finds, with immediate access to the database of traffic, the driver of it has two or more fines for serious or very serious, with no appeal pending and unpaid, may immobilize the vehicle if the fine is just imposed is not paid immediately. It is assumed that, otherwise, the probability that it also is very high end unpaid. If the driver has no driving license will immobilize the vehicle immediately, and even can be removed.

Payment on the spot fine. Stopping a vehicle to put a fine, most drivers accept that they have committed. One way to expedite the processing would be the agents could collect it immediately, in cash or by credit card, with the incentive of a significant discount on the amount. If the offender does not have financial means at the time, would have a term of 10 or 15 days to make a transfer, also benefiting from the discount. The payment does not mean renouncing the right to appeal the fine. Against
firms withdrawal penalties. Companies specializing to remove fines are welcome tactics (legal on the other side) to delay the administrative proceedings as much as possible, even to your prescription. To this end, the first thing is not to sign the documents sent to the Administration. This can not accept so, and must give a period of 10 days to correct the defect. In the process of reporting back, shipping and return of documents ... is what these companies are based in order to prolong the process. The new proposal not be supported documents not signed or is deemed not to have contributed.
All these new proposals will be reviewed by the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) and if decides to implement them, must be adopted by Parliament as Act
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