Revealing report that gave us the Journal de Montreal, along with his henchmen and you company TVA Leger!
now turns out that baby boomers are lapped by the criticism of the sons of her womb, generation X and generation Y. That generation of boomers who allegedly had inherit values, education and citizenship ... how ironic. And within this frame divergent views on the immigration phenomenon also show their differences.
69% of baby boomers think that immigration is a positive contribution to Quebec, while 71% of Gen Y agrees.
52% of baby boomers believes that immigration threatens their values \u200b\u200band traditions, while 48% of Gen Y agrees.
50% of baby boomers consider that Quebec receives too many immigrants, while 46% of Gen Y agrees. Given these figures
I wonder: is not the fault of the dilemma in the integration of immigrants is of the baby boomers? Will we stand before the winds of change for immigrants? Well let's see ... today are baby boomers who dominate the political environment in Quebec. They are also the ones who run the commands and professional associations. 85% of companies are run by managers quebecois boomers, who have already established policies and "corporate culture". Boomers are those who impose the rules of the game ... see their pensions are not met, then increase the retirement age (as the project of increasing the retirement age to 71 years).
On the other hand, the boomers are about to leave their jobs, their positions of leadership and political positions. Feel the footsteps of a young generation who grew up "individualistic, selfish and lazy" (Le Journal de Montreal dixit). A generation who does not weigh awareness for cloistered in a nursing home. A generation more open to a "local globalization", the novelty and the idea of \u200b\u200b"wow." This new generation prob-ably suits us, because that individualism would eventually give us more space. More space to develop business, more space in the workplace, and why not, more space for political office.
And last of all, a question that can not escape: it critically Quebecois will reflect the feelings of the rest of Canada? Uhmmmm.
---------------------------------- Walter Hernández is financial security advisor and director of Immigration and Success in Canada ", which provides information and tools for immigration to Canada and the road to the conquest of a new successful life.
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