result of a revolution of thought in which he mixed with sweet potatoes (politics, nationalism and religion), the new generation absorbed the lesson of the parents ... abandoned the religion and debauchery were . At the risk of sounding old-fashioned (and I'd rather be!), Is only a matter of seeing young people as they behave in the street or listening to their little pity career aspirations and see how both parents and children are handled without manners.
And everything falls into the absurd. A week ago when I parked in the parking lot of a shopping mall, a lady passed by my window and asked me to bother to turn off the engine (I did not have 2 minutes to park, when the law indicates 3 to warm a parked car ) because it was polluting the environment. Seeing the scene I recommended best set at his daughter who was a little later with his girlfriend (both of no more than 15 years) and he embraced the ass grabbing. And more of these absurd contradictions of the journalist says Ricard Martineau in his column Il était joins foi.
The cornerstone of any society is the family that is destroyed in Quebec, where the divorce rate is over 55%, 20% are stepfamilies, 1 of every 3 families is single mothers and the age at which young people become independent Quebecois is 14 years.
Talves we are living in a society economically prosperous, safer and faster we can see the results of our efforts, but none of this will be worthwhile if return they sacrifice the values \u200b\u200bof our family and especially, if we let our children waste their lives.
Do not be a statistic, but rather be part of the lives of our children.
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