CNG for public transport subsidies - Rest of World
public transport subsidies are granted in automotive most countries, whether industrialized or developing small economies. The aim is to ensure access to massive population groups through cheap fares that usually trading below maintenance costs faced by businesses. Here's how the system works in some countries.
In Barcelona and suburbs price passage paid by users represents only 44 percent of the cost of public transport. The remaining 56 percent comes from the treasury, a combo that includes local government, regional and central levels. During the past two years, the State provided 488 million euros and public companies raised only 376 million, including the company Renfe , Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat and Barcelona Metropolitan Transport , which operates the metro and buses . In Madrid, the situation is similar, although the passages are a bit cheaper ...
The Transport Policy Act of 1982 Interior states that the funding of regular public transport services should be based on user input, local public authorities and other public and private actors who benefit directly or indirectly from the transport system. Thus, authorizing local governments to establish a tax dedicated to financing public transport ( Versement Transport) which is justified in accepting that there are distinct benefits for non-users ...
In 1986 the public bus companies were divided in 142 private companies (currently nine major control over 60 percent of the market). However, the public subsidy in excess of 1,000 million pounds a year to secure reduced rates on specific services ...
The price that users pay in Mexico City by public transport is half the actual cost, the remainder being in charge of the finances of the city government through the grant. Per year is for about 1,000 million pesos for subsidize the trolley, the Light Rail and buses RTP ...
The government subsidizes the groups since 1990. Until 1995 the aid was for all carriers in the country, but then decided to reduce the benefit to businesses in the capital. Each year the government spends 114 million Lempiras (7.4 million). A similar allowance is also given to taxi drivers to offset the rise in fuel prices ...
The government subsidizes urban transport since the 80's. In 2001 awarded 31 quetzales million per year (4.1 million) to maintain the passage in Q1, 10. However, in recent years the increase of oil forced a sharp increase of subsidy to keep the price of the ticket. In 2005 the state contribution exceeded Q100 million (13.3 million) and the government promised a further increase this year ...
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