Monday, October 16, 2006

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Subsidies for public transport - Argentina

only a few cents for every ticket ...???

Corrientes, CTES, Argentina, Diario La República -2 Oct 2006: - Since December 2001, and transferred more $ 2,400 million (U $ S 800 M) in collective undertakings. One goal: to maintain the accessibility of the ticket. Nearly three months of the increase in Corrientes, details of the distribution ... The issue of subsidies to public passenger transport is usually introduced periodically in the public agenda. The importance of the amounts at stake is one of the factors that explain the permanence of the subject. Most of the resources allocated to support public passenger system are obtained with the diesel tax. One of the characteristics that have raised funds is their lack of inclusion in the national budget , allowing greater discretion in their use because they are not subject to the provisions of Financial Administration Act . Recently, the Auditor General's Office put on the table, questioning the lack of controls. That report led to the participation of the Federal Justice to investigate the use of resources that are accumulating in the trust fund ... Shortly after three months of increased ticket urban passenger transport in Corrientes (0.70 to $ 1), this problem stripped by the National Audit Office -to-country level, and repeatedly denounced by the Association of Users and Consumers of Corrientes, believed that some local companies have the benefit without meeting the requirements to be benefited, slashing nearly correntinos transport users. According to reports from the Commune , this week or latest by mid of next, "will fulfill the commitment to citizenship" and take strong action on some lines, and highlight the progress of others. .. Now, to begin to understand the access and delivery of subsidies, it is the question: How does mechanism? The tax on diesel is channeled to a trust which is administered by the National Bank . The funds have a specific allocation determined by the law: the development of road infrastructure projects and / or the elimination or reduction of existing tolls, tariff compensation to utility companies motor carrier of passengers, the fund allocation for improving and professionalizing services and cargo motor transport and investment subsidies for passenger rail system or load ... In the case of subsidies to passenger transportation companies, the Secretary of Transportation is the agency responsible for distributing funds among the various companies . From December 2001 to date have already transferred some 2,400 million collective firms. Only in 2005, the trust distributed to 775 million motor transport business passengers. When it comes to justify these subsidies, the official answer is always the same, according to research carried out by the virtual environment, based on recent and not so new publications of national circulation morning. officials say the subsidies allow supposedly fulfilling a dual purpose: to prevent the increase in ticket price (First goal in Corrientes already failed) and not to damage the financial equation companies. In this view, the tariff compensation policy has proved an adequate tool for limiting the impact on fares, the cost increases that the sector has been suffering ... That opinion is signed by the members of the House Motor Carrier Passenger who claim that the low profit margins prevented them from absorbing the largest expenditures that have been registered (salary increases, renewal of the fleet.) As the collective owners, if without the aid of State, the ticket price should be doubled at least. But despite the subsidy which obviously reaches companies Corrientes, increased ticket in the provincial capital was over 40% ... Experts agree that the policy of state subsidies is vital to ensure the population access to means of transport at reasonable prices. In this sense, we usually take up the experience of most of the core countries that heavily subsidize public transport ... But the similarities end there, when assessing the reasonableness of the subsidies given the differences begin to emerge. Critics suggest that the amounts for each company are calculated on the basis of affidavits submitted by the companies. But are repeated complaints by the Association of Users and Consumers of Corrientes for allegedly submitting forged or false documentation, in some cases, something possible and feasible for lack of adequate control by National State and local efforts . Therefore, the lack of a thorough study of the sector's cost structure would prevent known if the amount of compensation is not excessive ... Another discrepancy is related to the criterion distribution of the subsidy. tariff compensation is not a fixed amount, but it produces an index that averages the number of kilometers traveled, passengers carried and the revenue obtained (25% of the mileage, 25% for passengers and 50% Left in the amount of gross income earned by the beneficiary). For critics of the system, the criterion lines are clear benefits to borrowers who have a major collection. According to this view, companies that do tours in densely populated areas (eg the city of Buenos Aires) are the main favored by the implemented system ... The reality is that the current distribution of grants reflects an important asymmetry: 70% is distributed in the city and Greater Buenos Aires, and only 30% in the rest of the country.

The complaint and other provinces of Corrientes
The uneven distribution of resources is one of the reasons that explain the difference between ticket prices and Capital city major cities of the country: metropolitan ticket cost is usually less than 30%. This was revealed by Utilities secretaries of all provinces at a meeting a year ago with the Transportation Commission of the Chamber of Deputies . Provincial officials at that time, agreed with the subsidy system to the deep crisis in the system throughout the country, but requested a change in the criteria for redistribution of this fund with an equity federal ... Although the provinces did not find echoes that approach, are accumulating in the National Congress a significant number of projects attempting to change the distribution criterion. In general they tend to give greater weight percentage of the miles routes. The radical MP Santa Fe Alicia Tate understands that if approved a project of his own, which rises to 80% the weight of the mileage, "would be ensuring a distribution of funds with a basic criterion of fairness, benefiting small transport companies suburban areas that fulfill a social function by travels many miles away from urban areas and carrying less passengers' ... So far these initiatives have not resonated. By contrast, the national government deepened asymmetries. Through the decree 678/2006 issued (May 30, 2006) was allocated 395 million pesos of Treasury to the benefit of the carriers of the Buenos Aires metropolitan area . Given this decision, carriers of Santa Fe, Cordoba, Mendoza, Entre Rios, Corrientes and Tucumán reacted by denouncing the existence of discrimination against domestic firms. The reason for this differential treatment, according to officials of the Ministry of Transportation , is that the permit holders of Buenos Aires are particularly affected because, unlike other localities, the rate schedule remains unchanged since 2001 and sector regulatory costs are significantly higher than those charged by other jurisdictions. Beyond these explanations, the fact is that the inhabitants of the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires are often paid substantially less than a ticket has to face the rest of their countrymen. This finding indicates the existence of inequities that deepen regional disparities ...
"Hiding a problem, all"
Prices have to reflect costs, unless there is reason to depart from this general principle ... There is no basis for historical international rail as the use of a more clean in terms environmental, regional integration and the need to address some of the high fixed costs that has the infrastructure, because if the price reflects these costs would be an underutilization of the service and loss of associated benefits generated by the train. In the case of the bus, wielding the convenience of public transport over the individual as a way to relieve urban congestion, but the basics are more tenuous. It is also justified by saying it is a service used primarily by poor individuals, indicating some type of focus. However, although it decides to grant a subsidy should continue to exist a correlation between costs and prices. You can not keep frozen price of a ticket no matter what the cost, because all that is done that way is to hide a problem ...

not only receive money
addition millionaire cash grant, collective enterprises are differential oil (about 90 000 cm3 per month for 2005), percent reductions percent in tolls and authorization to continue to run with older units due to the flexible schedule of fleet renewal. In 1998 it was extended for three years the operational continuity of units with ten years ago. Then went authorizing extensions every six months based on technical reviews and special in December 2004, the Transportation Secretary Ricardo Jaime extended the renewal term of 15 years collective. The final rule, issued in June this year, authorizing the 1992 models continue to run until the end of 2007. This delayed the incorporation of units for disabled ... A report of the Auditor General's Office produced in 2004 said that this year only 12 percent of urban and semi-urban units were adapted, although, according to the regulations of accessible public transport law, and should have been covered a hundred percent of the park. The Audit stressed that the decisions of the Secretary of Transportation led "a breach of national provisions on the incorporation of adapted units distorting the mandate of the legislature to ensure accessibility ordered independently and safety of persons with mobility and / or reduced communication "... addition, the Emergency Law authorized force for the sector to reduce the frequencies between 15 and 30 percent. While in the case of overnight delivery services, many companies directly interrupt the service, taking advantage of the passivity of the National Commission Transport Regulation.

In fairness
first thing that must be put under discussion is what transport model is to implement to create equity between public and private users. Then you must define whether that public transport should be borne by the State or private. However, if it decides to grant a private service operation is not wrong to grant subsidies, what is wrong is the unregulated subsidy of the service. The government says private benefits through grants without verifying compliance services. ensures the continuity of the concessions, does not sanction non-compliance and service subsidiary in exchange for private parties do not raise the rate to thereby avoid increasing social discontent . The quality of public transport is deteriorating and people are forced to increase spending on transport, because it must rely on private services such as remis, to ensure their mobility.


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