We are becoming more racist because every time we have more chance of being . So says Professor Calvo Buezas, director of Centre on Migration and Racism Studies , who spent twenty years doing research on the subject with young people aged 14 to 19 years. According to his data, the group that generates more rejection is the North Africans, followed by the gypsies, blacks, Jews and Latinos. 40 percent of young expel the Moors and 3 percent said he would beat up an immigrant if you would find on the street. Not all violent move from words to action (if not, would be surrounded by an army of thugs), but young people are cocky and say what they think without censorship. Surprisingly spontaneously cite the Jews as their presence in Spain is so marginal. This shows that prejudice has less to do with reality, but a mental image. The prejudice is not rational, is a wrong reason, a stereotype that is fed with jokes, idioms and emotions . Another of the paradoxes that sociologists have found that immigrants learn in school the same phobias than their English, the Moroccans do not like Gypsies, and Gypsies to learn to be xenophobic against Moroccans and Latin Americans.
Among adults, levels of intolerance are not as high, but the groups that generate negative feelings are the same and in the same order. Individuals have to be monitored and measured more than his words. It's the same reason that the upper classes and educated are less racist in the polls, they have learned well what is the right speech in this society. According to Professor Calvo, the feelings of both are similar, but most apparent racism and xenophobia is on the lower classes because that is where they live together and compete for the same goods, same job, same house , the same place at the school and public health ... The upper classes are related only to immigrants serve them, have to be very obedient, and if not, throw .

are explicitly discriminatory actions, such as those occurring in the subway, but also condescending attitudes that deny the complexity of the other and vanish. We fear too easily to compassion and for many immigrants simplification of who they are and why have been is a way to treat them as racist as the others.
In Spain, there are currently four and a half million immigrants, 10 percent of the population, and the trend is to continue growing.
Experts agree that the key is to invest in awareness campaigns to combat negative stereotypes, for example, who blame foreigners for the problems of Social Security. It's more money that immigrants paid in indirect taxes that what society spends on health and education for them, and that despite the 3,000 million euro last year they sent remittances to their countries.
can not say if the English are racist or not, because to say that the English are adulterers or drunkards said Professor Calvo. In Spain there are people who are drunk every day, others once a week, others once a year, others once in a lifetime. Some people are not racist, others have prejudices are racist activists and others become aggressive. Something we are all racist and somewhat supportive. What you need to do is educate in solidarity and tolerance, and that is achieved through the schools, the media and, above all, values \u200b\u200bthat are transmitted at home. After the 11-S grew Islamophobia worldwide, but after the 11-M in Spain even dropped because there was a joint action by all parties, the media and society to say it is not the same being a Muslim terrorist. The racism is not born, is made and, therefore, be undone . Excerpted from
Some books of Professor Calvo Buezas on the topic: Growing
racism, solidarity also
School on immigration and racism
racists are the others
Spain "racist?
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