The last man on the Moon was Eugene Cernan, in 1972, commanding the Apollo 17 spacecraft first mission took off last night and the U.S. lunar program. On a recent visit to Spain, Cernan, who has 73 years, has said there is already enough technology to go to the moon.
United States has announced his idea to re-conquer the moon in 2015, but budgetary and technical difficulties have delayed the date of the call Constellation Program through 2020. By 2015 ships began testing Ares and Orion to be used in the program. But towards the end of 2008, NASA tries to make a lunar reconnaissance mission called Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter , in order to find the most safe for landing, checking the operation of the new technology and identify natural resources that will be used for travel.
Asians are ahead. The Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and launched in September Kayuga probe to study the composition, structure and differences between the two sides of the moon, in order to understand how it formed and how evolved, and to decide where to base its future lunar base. The
China Space Agency (CNSA) has put in lunar orbit a few weeks ago probe Chang'e-1 and India has an ambitious plan to bring out a mission a month since April 2008, with what could be the first to put astronauts on the moon by 2018.
The aim of these missions is to establish a permanent base on the moon from there to explore Mars. To this end the Russian Space Agency (Roskosmos) is negotiating with India a joint moon program, is refining its vehicles Sojuz and plans to send an unmanned probe in 2011. And the European Space Agency (ESA) plans to send a human mission to Mars in 2030, with a stop on the moon.
Interest in the Moon is clearly not free. In background is the possible exploitation of natural resources and weapons and military interests. The concern of the experts is that it does not become a space race in the old way, and call for collaboration between projects.
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