Thursday, August 21, 2008
My 16 Month Old Stool Is Watery
The influence of oil. economic, environmental and political in the world rethinking how the future of trade integration
Cdd. Buenos Aires, CF, ARG - NUESTROMAR -21 Aug 2008: - When Tesla Motors, a pioneer in electric cars, it was proposed manufacturing a luxury car for the U.S. market, had in mind the global supply chain. Tesla planned to manufacture batteries 500 kilos in Thailand , send them to Britain for installation and then transport the cars that are almost finished with the United States NA . But when production began in the spring, the company decided to make the batteries and assemble the cars near its headquarters in California , eliminating more than 8000 kilometers of freight account for each vehicle ... "It was a decision no alternative for us," said Darryl Siry , vice president for sales, marketing and global services company . "A major reason was to avoid transport costs, which are terrible" ... globalization may be losing part of the inexorable economic power it had during much of the past quarter century, at times facing new challenges as a political ideology ... cheap oil, which was the lubricant of quick connections and cheap transport around the world, may not return in the short term, which complicates the logic of diffuse global supply chains, for whom geography was a footnote in their quest for lower wages. Growing concern about global warming, the reaction against lost jobs in rich countries, problems with food security, and the collapse of world trade talks in Geneva last week, also they signal that political and environmental problems can become much more complex calculations of globalization ... The world economy is so integrated that people find relatively few T-shirts and sneakers in Wal-Mart and Target carrying label "Made in the USA" ... "If we think of Wal-M model art, it is incredibly fuel-intensive at every stage, and in each of those stages we are now seeing an inflation of costs for ships, trucks and cars" said Naomi Klein, author of "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" (The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism) ... "That is necessarily leading to rethink emissions-intensive model, whether there is more interest in growing foods locally, producing locally or shopping locally, and I think that's very good "... Many economists argue that globalization does not enter into reverse even if oil prices continue on its upward trend. But many see evidence that companies looking to keep prices low will have to bring some of their production to where the consumers. global production chains-Brazilian iron ore turned into steel Chinese used to make washing machines shipped to Long Beach to , California , and are then transported by truck to appliance stores in Chicago - make less sense today than a few years ago ... To avoid having to ship all its products from abroad, the Swedish furniture manufacturer Ikea opened its first factory in the United States in May. Some electronics companies that left Mexico in recent years in search of lower wages in China are now returning to Mexico , because they can cut costs by truck carrying their products American consumers ... Decisions like those suggest that what some economists call a neighborhood effect, putting factories closer to components suppliers and consumers to reduce transportation costs, could gain more importance if oil remains expensive. barrel sold for $ 125 a week ago, compared with U.S. $ 10 a decade ago ...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Where Is The Pokemon Colosseum In Leaf Green
Here I send you a link a web site that will keep up with gasoline prices in Quebec.
addition to see prices, you can update them and keep users informed.
This appeal is to be especially important for people who use their vehicle as a working tool (taxi drivers, independent vendors, and other self-employed courtieres).
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hedge Fund Running Expenses

Finally ... and began the season of fireworks in Montreal. For fans of this show I invite you to click the calendar Lotto International Festival of Quebec.
meantime, if you missed the performances in France and Italy, click on their links to view video clips ... super, especially the French show:
Fires France
Fires Italy
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Show Me Orange Accessories In A Bathroom
started the "belle season" and the tracks that were previously covered by snow now look gleaming white lines and yellow, inviting drivers to "heavy foot" to advance the fever of Formula 1.
Meanwhile, television, billboards and newspapers constantly bombard drivers about the dangers of excessive speed roll. Sorry I bombarded?, I should say HOUNDS!
Drivers must pass test after test and pay up licenses and plates, and then being chased by the hunters of blue, beset by a biased media advertising and frowned upon (but hated) by most pedestrians. And ... and they wonder why?
is curious but telling change is ... go from pedestrian to be conductive open your eyes. Now we see what we saw before our eyes is not a pedestrian. Now we see people crossing in the middle of the street at a slow and challenging look at the car that comes with a green light ahead. Now we see pedestrians who are crossing the crosswalk when the light has a hand in front (an open hand means "stop") even though the car has priority to bend. Now we see pedestrians who think faster than a car and run to see who wins the last. Now we see cyclists who run red lights, opening to the left without signals (without ever seeing his blind spot) or walking in the middle of the track.
And I wonder: if you give licenses to be pedestrian or cyclist? And if at 16 years each had to give a theoretical examination of the rules of the road? If everyone had to pass a practical and circular with the permit in his pocket. If a pedestrian had to pay $ 500 for crossing the street half a block 10 cars running while you throw up. If each pedestrian was also required to pay an accident insurance to the SAAQ.
And I wonder: if you vindicate the driver who struck a pedestrian negligence? And if the victim was not the hit, but the driver? The hit (or their legal heirs in case of death) is obliged to pay compensation property damage, medical and psychological costs to the driver.
And I wonder what stops faster: a car rolling at 50 km / h or a person walking at 5 km / h?
Transit is not a video game where you earn points over a pedestrian pass that becomes a ghost and then a few minutes can return color (as in the Pac-man). Transit is a system that compose drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, and we must all meet standards, be responsible and respectful alike.
So from here I do my little spot advertising for niche neglected by the media: Pedestrian
rider ... no ... become run down!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
How Long Is Needed Off Work With Achest Infection

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sudden Pounding Heartbeat
After decades of intense global struggle to achieve all kinds of abolition of racial segregation in the search for the desired equality between blacks and whites ... Canada surprises us with an unusual proposal: the school board Inglés-Montréal evaluates the possibility of opening a school for Blacks.
may seem backward, the initiative comes from the Quebec Negro League those who see it as a possible solution to the high dropout rate within the black community. According to the league president, students feel more involved in their education as the school develop a sense of "pride."
wanted to get together before and now want to separate ... this world is upside down!
Monday, May 26, 2008
How Long Does A Ruptured Spleen Take To Recover

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Magellan Roadmate Voices
is not science fiction. You can have a robot that will do the chores, an efficient worker, a great friend to those who understand you ...
robots take years to be used in the industry because they program them to perform repetitive tasks was much easier than trying to integrate them into everyday life. Now the next field to conquer the home. And if not, here we have Roomba, the iRobot vacuum cleaner (300 euros) that detects the mess, clean it and then returns to its base.

The South Korean government in its attempt to introduce the robots in homes, distributed free last three thousand years, domestic robots, guarding the house when they were not the owners, read stories, helped with cleaning ... It was quite controversial not for the performance of the machines themselves, but because they were connected to a central government controlled, and some considered espionage.
Another area in which you are working is the people with problems of autonomy. Examples are to Hal, a precursor of the cyborg exoskeleton (combining human and mechanical) to seal Paro , aimed at stimulating the elderly, because if you treat her well and spread love learning, and Wakamaru, human aspect, which is able to hold simple conversations remind seniors when to take medication or seek help if they suspect there may be a problem.
aging population, together with the reluctance to be seen by immigrants (prefer to be served by robots that foreigners) are the two major factors of robotics in Japan expansion.
In the United States is on a different path: the automobile. In 2005, a Volkswagen Touareg to which he had added two radars, cameras, GPS, six Pentium processors and five laser motion detectors, crossed by itself 200 kilometers from the Mojave desert, making decisions at every obstacle. Another vehicle got also make a city tour (closed circuit) 100 km, respecting traffic rules painstakingly.
The latest experiments are designed to interpret human emotions and gestures that accompany them. For example, Keepon, a kind of potato dance songs marches Asimo, who can shake hands when offered, or Albert Hubo, a species that reproduces Einstein 35 gestures of the face.

There are also projects that look more like film, as the nanorobots would be introduced into the body to fight disease, or those aimed at the military camp. Some NGOs fear even a robotic arms race .
Although these projects can make us fear the future, the fact is that progress is being introduced into our lives so gradually that neither we realize.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Why Does My Throat Hurt At Night
few weeks ago the newspaper La Presse introduced us to the fore the concern that exists on violence in schools. Violence that is shared between parents and children. How so? Speaking of school violence could be tempted to think of teenage members of a "gang de rue" ... but this is not exclusive There is also violence by parents who are not happy with punishments given to their "little angels" or failing grades.
may sound surprising violence in nursery by "babies", but I that I have a wife who works in this medium I have seen with my own eyes the way some of these babies: kicks , scratching, biting and hitting teachers and peers.
no longer just talking about psychological violence among adolescents (through threats or harassment), but less publicized physical violence. What to do in these situations?
If you are a parent, it is important to take 2 very important attitudes: waking and guidance. As parents we must observe the behavior of our children, we must know your circle of friends and we know their activities. Is sure to be difficult to balance this with their "own space", but is also sure that our carelessness or indifference can cost you later regret (we and our children).
In addition, our guiding role will influence not only their good manners and sound education, but also their safety. We must teach our children to choose their friends and stay away from those with violent attitudes and dangerous. We must teach our children the difference between good and evil, that our rights end where the rights of others and the importance of respecting others and be respected.
Remember it is not the school should teach our children the basic values \u200b\u200bfor life (and rest assured they will not!), But assuming your role TU responsible parent.
---------------------------------- Walter Hernández is financial security advisor and director of Immigration and Success in Canada, which offers information and tools to immigration Canada and the road to the conquest of a new successful life.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Where To Buy Gum Sweetened With Stevia

Quote missed!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Period Pressure Point

This situation has come to blame (or thank, depending how you look) the trend of openness that China lives since the 80's, which is changing the concept of family, on which Chinese society is anchored. Tradition says that having a family ensures the stability and harmony. The patriarch controls both the economic aspects such as marriages of their children. The courtship is not appropriate and the love will come later (if so). Until recently youth have accepted without question, and women were aware that the only way to ensure the future when their parents disappear was to make a good marriage. In return, she went to live with her husband's family, was devoted exclusively to domestic tasks and enduring the scorn of her mother for stealing her son's attention. Fortunately, this is changing. For now, in big cities, where a married couple moves into a new apartment.
Young people are becoming less of a hurry to marry. Currently, the average age for women has been delayed 24 years. Have contributed to the delay in the 50's set a minimum age for marriage and that in the 80's there was an exodus from the countryside to the city. However, from the age of 26 believe that a woman is starting to happen rice.
But how about other young people if they spend their lives working and is frowned upon hang-out?. The solution lies in the marriage agencies and dating web pages (about six thousand registered in China), which holds the parents more than an unpleasant surprise. It's better to be cold to the park, so at least know before anything that might become his political family. Mothers looking for daughters responsible men, and above all, they have great respect for the elderly. Interestingly, the more prepared intellectually and better work has the girl's mother has it worse to find partners. And most singles are men with low educational level and limited resources, and can not tolerate a woman who is superior to them in some of these aspects. So the perfect candidate maids are women with doctoral university!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Williams Syndrome Braclets
few weeks ago I was lucky enough to meet the enchanting island of the Dominican Republic and to know a little history to the rhythm of merengue and bachata.
This visit reminded me of the great beauty with our land and the huge responsibility we have with them. A responsibility that we are bombarded on all sides. Let's see ... we provide:
1. money for the family we left there. In this way we contribute to local economic growth;
2. raising awareness of cultural wealth;
3. maintaining perfect image of our country and its people, through our education, our work, good manners and social sense;
4. teaching to ours to care for our country to keep clear of rubbish, violence and corruption;
5. life and participating in political processes and civic
6. sharing our language and our identity, without imposition or discrimination, and
7. passed on from generation to generation our history, our pride and our responsibility. Puerto Plata
memory brought me to many cities in the Peruvian jungle, and I felt at home. I found the same hospitality in its people, the warmth in dealing with the same complicity in the speech, the same freshness in food and the same desire to live in a constant joy.
And so are our countries and we can not forget. Canadian citizenship paper makes us Canadian. Of course, we assume new responsibilities, but you do not replace the above. The Canadian passport international opens more doors, but should not close our own land.
Do not forget ... use your conscience Latin, do not let die!, Says Ruben Blades in this video I hope you enjoy:
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How To Rig A Laser Diagram

- may be at any age and any type of hair. The only requirement is that measures at least 15 centimeters.
- The hair can be washed with a mild shampoo and conditioner and mask can be used, but trying not to throw at the seams, but only along and tips.
- To comb is convenient to use a light wire brush, and better use straightening irons, because the dryer can pull it loose strands.
- When drying, try to maintain a distance of 15 cm and head up.
- Pets dyes and molders.
- If we remove a hairdresser has to do to avoid damage to the real hair.
There are different types of hair extensions, and must choose the most appropriate to our hair:
- thermoactive : Cut small sections to place them where needed, through a plate heat that melts an adhesive gases. They are suitable for fine hair and flat or to create the effect of a haircut. Just pain and can be reused many times. Placed in a half hour and last two months, after which come off and reattach near the root, 1 cm. hairline. Not tell the difference or the sight or touch and removed very quickly. Not appropriate for curly hair, because the wash will not curl.
- compressed air, are placed in groups of five ultra-thin strands in an expeditious and orderly process, and stick with keratin and compressed air equipment. They are used to lengthen the hair 30, 40 or 50 cm. and give volume. Are best mixed with natural hair, including highlights. It takes about 90 minutes to place, 2.5 cm. hairline, so that last two or three months, and then not be reused. To remove them, they hurt.
- Ultrasound : They stick to the hair with keratin and fixed with ultrasound. They are suitable for longer hair (as above), to add volume or other strands of colors. They are best left for curly hair. Place a 1 cm. hairline, and they will not tangle, we must be separated from the root as it grows hair. It takes about two hours in place (saves) or three (for volume), and last four to six months. By bringing the head hurts a little and for a couple of days are uncomfortable to sleep. In very fine hair, are more noticeable than compressed air because they have the attachment point a bit thicker.
- Bands: These are whole strips of fur that fixed with a staple or minipeinetas sensitive. They are used to extend a special occasion hair. Placed too close to the root, with a round junction. The staple takes to stand about 90 minutes, and the combs, at the time. Last about five months, because although they are removable, the hair is of inferior quality. With a headache staple three or four days, must carefully combing easily unhook it and get caught more because the hair is of inferior quality.
- Laserbeam : Van into strands of sevens, and fixed laser close to the root, with a junction oval. Are best suited for long hair and very fine hair depopulated could not bear the weight of the others. It takes about two hours in place. As the strands are ultrathin fall easily, and it is advisable renewal every two months.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Rotten Taste Mouth After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I Have A Lump In My Groin Area After Heart Cath
Immigration is like preparing a good drink: it takes many ounces of faith in itself, other ounce of work and a pinch of courage ... mix everything and get to taste the success of our palate.
Here I share with you a video with music from Enya famous and very inspiring letter. So if you're here and still not know what to do or have not found what you want or are on the verge of disappointment ... only Cree and find your way!
May it be an evening star Shines down upon you
May it be When Darkness Falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road Oh! You are
How far from home Mornie utúlien
(darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be you journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun
Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
A promise lives within you now
A promise lives within you now
Where To Buy Maplestory Itcg

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Migraine Visual Disturbances

- Type of our target audience, more or less likely to change.
- Sector of activity in which we operate. For example, the pharmaceutical industry plans its innovations with 20 year term, textiles with 6 months, the food and perfume continuously, and the car in 18 months.
In general, all experts agree that they should not spend more than five years without adding any changes to our product or service, except that our brand of so-called untouchables , in which case you must increase the value of classic, and leave innovation to our lower-end products.
Occasionally, the company leader in that marks the time of the restyling of the others, changes in its own brand and can not afford to be left behind.
There are, however, a series of clear indicators:
- Though continue to sell well, the design of our offer starts to become obsolete for the taste of our customers
- Sales slow
- Competition moves
- The sector is growing at a slower pace than the market
- Distributors say that the product will no longer have the same output
Ultimately, we must be alert. If your brand works well, do not touch, but at least sign, put up its restyling before it's too late.
This article may be reproduced in whole or in part provided they include an active link to Rabid News
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Which Indian Actress Has The Bigest Breast

- can save up to $ 5 000 per year,
- contributions to this account are not tax deductible (unlike the RRSP or RRSP)
- the income generated as interest or capital gains are tax free,
- withdrawals are not impossible,
- like the REER (or RRSP) quotation rights are cumulative unused indefinitely
- like the REER (or RRSP), the taxpayer may contribute to your spouse CELI.
The CELI is to be a flexible tool that the REER, but prob-ably both ways depending on the characteristics or purposes of investment or saving. This is because unlike the REER, the person can withdraw money from your CELI as if it were a regular savings account. Thus, for the low-disciplined (economically speaking), this tool may not be the best alternative if your goal is saving for retirement.
Then the REER lose effect? Not really, since the RRSP will remain the best option in the long run by its rigidity, if the objective of the person is retirement and if the taxpayer needs to reduce its annual net income tax return.
So for CELI served? Well if you hit your maximum contribution limit in the REER and still have money you want to spend tax free, the CELI is your escape. Moreover, the money can use it anytime you want and what you want, for example, payment on a house, major repairs in your home, take a sabbatical, as the capital of starting a business, etc.
How High Should A Tie Be
This March 8 dropped us above which until today was the worst snowstorm of the winter 2008.
Over 40 cm of snow that let us break the record close reached in the winter of 1970-1971 (383 cm). So far, so more than 350 cm and everything looks the winter has been extended a bit and give us a few more inches. Here
Superinteressante I pass a video on the latter "Tempête de Neige" or "Snow Storm" ... enjoy it!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Milena-velba Before 18

Payment for license. You should now be made annually (at the date of birth) and not biennial as before.
The fee for a driving license increases from $ 43 to $ 58 (for those who have no point of unfitness).
inmatriculación The cost has increased $ 2 but the big difference is that now we can choose to pay by 1, 6 or 12 installments. Simula how the automatic payment from bank account
Visit section questions and answers from the SAAQ
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I-catcher Console – Web Monitor Railroad

The time is out of our hands and we want the day had more than 24 hours.
Everyone goes at some point. Even when we first came to Canada and theoretically still do not have much to do ... but at the same time we have much to do, both to organize, both to study and then leave the set table for anxiety, worry and stress.
And the most common escape route for these feelings is procrastination. The quee? Well, "it" is a behavior that makes us systematically delaying the tasks we do and are more important, but irrelevant replacing them with others more pleasurable.
should I do? Well, first ask yourself, I do what I like or what suits me? I am sure that no athlete likes to get up at 5 am to train and be constantly on diets ... but think that if you eat McDonalds every day and train only a few hours a week, would ever be an Olympic champion?
Second, it establishes priorities. Divide your goals into 3 categories: significant, urgent and others. Then, take a calendar and it notes small tasks related to each objective, ordered from the most unpleasant to pleasant. Finally takes action.
At the end of the day take time to review the tasks you have completed and what not. Then you have your agenda for the next day. Avoid
retardants or "thieves of time", as
- disorder. Archive your documents by topic. This will avoid misplacing important documents and loss of time looking for papers.
- unexpected visitors. If a person does with the confidence that you ask him to come back another time.
- Poor discipline. The worst of all. and one of the most difficult to correct. For this there is no recipe, but the willpower and stay focused on the target.
- Games on the computer or the Internet. If your work is done mainly to avoid installing computer for video games or hours of unproductive Internet surfing.
me conclude by sharing with you an article by Dr. Kerry Johnson:
Procrastination: Putting off today What you can do tomorrow
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Nadine Jansen Feeding

may now be found on our website a new option to search for work, thanks to Canada Elut. Both homepage, as the site of employment Bank, will show a small list of jobs in various provinces of Canada.
hope you find it extremely useful.
accept my best wishes for success.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What Is A Riddling Wine Rack

Conquest of Mars appears to be serious. U.S., Russia, Europe and China are developing projects in order to complete the most ambitious space mission of all time, although there are still insurmountable technical difficulties. And NASA believes that it has enough qualified personnel to achieve, because of the "brain drain" (foreigners studying in the U.S. and then return to their countries).
The trip is valued at 423,000 million euros, for two reasons that expensive: the distance (56 million kilometers) and the cost of fuel to try to escape Martian gravity on the return journey, despite being three times smaller than Earth's.
The American project is called Vision and European Aurora, but many are saying will not succeed if you do not join forces in a project common.
the moment, the NASA and European Space Agency assist the Mars Society, an NGO founded by a Chicago peculiar genius named Bob Zubrin, who first was not taken very seriously and plans colonize Mars, but is slowly getting the backing of the scientific community.
was endorsing the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a station in a place where conditions resembled those of Mars. And that place is on Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic. The first attempt in 2000 failed because releasing the material to build a parachute, it destroyed the majority and the workers left. In a second attempt trial, before the end of the summer polar Eskimo using labor could be constructed, and given the name of Mars station.

subsequently built another in the Utah desert. It is an area with a similar climate to the equatorial regions of Mars: large temperature differences between day and night and many storms. The placement of the lightning on the outside of the station was very difficult, because scientists had to go into a hyperbaric chamber to get out. The movements are done in a kind of quads, where scientists are equipped with a suit and a backpack of 15 kg. weight on the back. Difficulties
- The surface of Mars is a barren desert full.
- The air concentrations of CO2 is so high that you can not breathe.
- The difference in temperature between day and night is 60 degrees.
- There are countless tornadoes and hurricanes.
- Astronauts should bring everything to feed itself, material to build a permanent base for isolation of high solar radiation, vehicles, food and machines for subsurface water ice, if true the data obtained from the Mars probe Spirit. Apparently, this robot would have to be decommissioned, but for now continues to send information. And recently one of its wheels got stuck in a dune and sand removal revealed the presence of silica in the soil, closely related to the presence of water, which seems to confirm that millions of years ago Mars was life possible.
- The mission lasted two and a half: half each way and 18 months on Mars.
- Six months that the journey would stay in weightlessness, which will cause them severe muscle atrophy.
- Do not know the effects that the trip would have on the kidneys of the crew, because it is very common stone formation in astronauts.
- If they were exposed to radiation may develop into cancer, so it would be isolated.
- The isolation to which it would subject (900 days together without seeing the Earth and a communications delay of 40 minutes) lead to significant psychological distress.
- Do not leave aside the problem of sex. Practice in space is downright difficult. Nor is it clear whether to send three men and three women (and possible love problems), six men (too many male hormones) or six women (according to recent studies including working more than men).
- The shape of the current ferry is not valid for this mission. Should look instead to the Apollo who went to the moon.
- The fuel we know is not enough, and should be used or nuclear energy (with the problems that public opinion may raise), or developing that uses the solar wind, even advanced little.
- Scientists suggest that it would be better to establish a permanent colony, instead of returning to Earth, so we need to find people willing to return no more.

technological advances - NASA has developed a system to obtain drinking water from urine evaporated.
- crops are being tested landless, food also provide oxygen.
- To combat muscle atrophy are developing weightlessness weights and exercise bikes using electromagnetic fields.
- Development of drugs to prevent stones in the kidney.
the moment, the European Space Agency is looking to twelve people for a drill, ExoMars mission will search DNA and other signs of life on Mars and NASA is going to practice before the moon.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I Am Addicted To Extra Strong Mints
computer technicians are the focus of the news employment is that there is a shortage of labor latent in this sector. Ontario and Quebec especially resent this need.
And the trend is to have the participation of immigrants in that specialty. According to a report from the Conference Board, Canada will have a need for 90 000 workers in this sector over the next 5 years, mainly because the explosion of business communications and the Internet.
are the specialties socilitadas:
- network technicians
- programmers
- process analysts
- 3D graphic designers
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Pctv 150e 55e Driver Para Win 7

Second major change ... this is the last winter tires can go through "four seasons", since starting this November, drivers have to drive using winter tires between 15 November to April 1 and no ice or snow. The car rental companies must also take into account this law. The fines are between $ 200 to $ 300.
Both measures-wise from my point of view-are aimed at reducing accidents and improving road safety.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Happy Birthday In Egiptian
Revealing report that gave us the Journal de Montreal, along with his henchmen and you company TVA Leger!
now turns out that baby boomers are lapped by the criticism of the sons of her womb, generation X and generation Y. That generation of boomers who allegedly had inherit values, education and citizenship ... how ironic. And within this frame divergent views on the immigration phenomenon also show their differences.
69% of baby boomers think that immigration is a positive contribution to Quebec, while 71% of Gen Y agrees.
52% of baby boomers believes that immigration threatens their values \u200b\u200band traditions, while 48% of Gen Y agrees.
50% of baby boomers consider that Quebec receives too many immigrants, while 46% of Gen Y agrees. Given these figures
I wonder: is not the fault of the dilemma in the integration of immigrants is of the baby boomers? Will we stand before the winds of change for immigrants? Well let's see ... today are baby boomers who dominate the political environment in Quebec. They are also the ones who run the commands and professional associations. 85% of companies are run by managers quebecois boomers, who have already established policies and "corporate culture". Boomers are those who impose the rules of the game ... see their pensions are not met, then increase the retirement age (as the project of increasing the retirement age to 71 years).
On the other hand, the boomers are about to leave their jobs, their positions of leadership and political positions. Feel the footsteps of a young generation who grew up "individualistic, selfish and lazy" (Le Journal de Montreal dixit). A generation who does not weigh awareness for cloistered in a nursing home. A generation more open to a "local globalization", the novelty and the idea of \u200b\u200b"wow." This new generation prob-ably suits us, because that individualism would eventually give us more space. More space to develop business, more space in the workplace, and why not, more space for political office.
And last of all, a question that can not escape: it critically Quebecois will reflect the feelings of the rest of Canada? Uhmmmm.
---------------------------------- Walter Hernández is financial security advisor and director of Immigration and Success in Canada ", which provides information and tools for immigration to Canada and the road to the conquest of a new successful life.
Monday, January 28, 2008
South Park 3x01 Vo Streaming

The pineapple is the fruit of a plant family Bromeliaceae , now grown in most tropical countries of the world, which are attributed very beneficial effects on health.
Aids circulation, because they are high in bromelain (found mainly in the juice and stem), which dissolves clots and thins the blood, preventing circulation problems such as thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes.
Help control blood pressure, especially hypertension.
promotes digestion because digests proteins, which ingest the fresh fruit after a meal helps the stomach to perform its function and eliminates side effects of indigestion such as gas, bloating, heartburn ... At the same time slows the passage of food through the stomach and produces a feeling of satiety so you eat less.
Prevents constipation, because it regulates bowel movements.
eliminates bacteria from the digestive tract causing intestinal pain and diarrhea. It is even effective against intestinal worms. That's because bromelain destroys the covering of chitin that protects them.
helps in the treatment of obesity for their ability to digest fats.
Helps eliminate body water, preventing water retention, and thus helping to reduce weight.
Effective in the treatment of cellulite because desinfiltración favors, movement and disposal of surface water.
eliminates toxins through the urine due to its cleansing effect, improving kidney problems, bladder or prostate.
have very useful anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain. A recent study in the journal Clinical Rheumatology similar properties attributed to diclofenac. Evita tendinitis and bursitis, and is therefore included in the diet of any athlete, and helps to cure back pain, sprains or dislocations.
acts against free radicals antioxidant action, fighting chronic disease and improving life expectancy of its consumers. Decreases
cholesterol levels by up to ten percent, which prevents strokes.
Improvement various diseases such as ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, gout, sinusitis, uric acid ...
Recent studies attributed properties against cancer. A bromelain molecule blocks a protein defective in thirty percent of cancers and other factors stimulates the immune system attack and destroy cancer cells. This occurs in the breast, lung, colon, ovarian and melanoma.
Finally, a culinary curiosity: if cooking meat to add a piece of pineapple or a splash of juice are much more tender and juicy.
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Play Pokeon Online Save Faster

The appearance of sharks on earth can be dated back 400 million years before dinosaurs and terrestrial mammals. And they have survived until today, test face as hard as mass extinctions, very important geological changes or other species that compete with them with the advantage of thousands of years of evolution. But they have a weak spot. Are slow to develop sexually and give birth to few offspring during their lifetime, which means that if the number of individuals decreases abnormally (for example, by overfishing), the shark population there is no time to regenerate and can put them in danger of extinction.
Until 20 years ago were often caught within the trawl fisheries, but posed no danger to the public. However, the decline in catches of species coveted commercially (such as tuna or swordfish) was that the eyes of the fishermen to turn to the sharks, mainly by demand from the Asian market.

In 1999, the FAO quota approved a plan in which all countries participating catch sharks in order to preserve the species, if it is true that empowered the poorest fishing with traditional gear, unlimited amount.
The situation did not improve the contrary, whenever there was a greater danger of extinction. So in 2007, United Nations has decided to take measures for their conservation, which is not to everyone's liking. Sharks are still seen as a threat, even though only 30 of the 368 known species are dangerous. And while it may seem, there are more Asians who are captured, are English, 39% of the total.
These are the most endangered species:

And in Spain:

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