Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Buying Maternity Pads

global warming and sea level In find the translation of an article by Jeffrey Chanton, a renowned researcher in the Department of Oceanography, State University Florida, which supports the thesis that global warming caused by fossil fuel use directly influences the increase in sea level.

Energy from fossil fuels (oil, gas, coal ...) has allowed the human population increased explosively. The result is that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased about 30% in less than 300 years. For Earth, used to slow changes that give time to the biosphere and the species to adapt, change is an unprecedented rate. Rapid changes can cause biological havoc. The CO2 is essential in controlling the temperature of the Earth because it absorbs infrared radiation (IR), which is basically heat. This is called the greenhouse effect. Without it, the Earth's water would freeze. With too much greenhouse effect, water would boil off, leaving the surface of the Earth as a desert.

The rise in global sea level is caused by two factors:

- water arrival melted ice from glaciers and ice caps, among other
- increasing the temperature of ocean waters, making the seas are less dense, spreading and occupying a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe planet

Since the end of last ice age 18,000 years ago, sea level has risen by over 120 meters. Data from tide gauges indicate that the overall rate of increase during the twentieth century was 1 to 2 mm. per year. Along relatively flat coastlines such as the Atlantic, or coastlines bordering fertile river deltas, highly populated, a rise of 1 mm. in sea level causes a shoreline retreat of five feet. Already

we are seeing the decline in costs in the United States:

- along the swampy Gulf coast of Florida, the effects of sea level rise can be observed in the number of dead royal palms on the edges of the salt marsh overlooking the sea
- along the Atlantic coast, erosion is narrowing beaches and vacation houses

The low-lying island nations in the Pacific will be flooded or their drinking water aquifer invaded by salt water.

A 1-meter rise would inundate half of Bangladesh's rice fields. Other rice growing lowlands which would be affected are Vietnam, China, India and Thailand. Rising sea levels would create millions of climate refugees in the Philippines, Indonesia and Egypt.

In Spain, the report The impact of climate change on coastal areas referenced , Cantabrian beaches recede about 15 meters, the Gulf of Cadiz, about 10 meters, and the Costa Brava, south of the Canary Islands and southern Balearic up to 70 meters. In addition to the latter areas, the sea level rise will add changes in the direction of the wave that will turn the sand to be placed perpendicular to the waves, moving at one end and back in another. Sites will be solved by dumping sand, but other beaches will be lost.

In the Cantabrian Sea, the waves will be higher and the wind faster, and this, coupled with rising sea level, involve greater risk of flooding by storm, but the 4-meter margin between high and low tide remedy the situation. In the Mediterranean will be worse, because they have the cushion of the tide.

If we continue in this way, our current rate of consumption of fossil fuels indicates that the content of CO2 in the air will double by 2100. This duplication and increase the greenhouse effect increase from 1 to 5 degrees Celsius in global temperature. In addition to increasing sea levels, higher temperatures are likely to affect:

- Ecosystems: The warming will change the distribution of trees and other native plants, altering the habitats of animals.

- patterns of rain, drier conditions cause an increase in wildfires, while damper can cause increased pest species such as mosquitoes and pine beetles. While an increase of CO2 in the atmosphere can stimulate plant growth, it is believed that these conditions contain less nitrogen in their foliage, making them less nutritious for herbivores.

- Climate variability: Some plants can be eliminated if the temperature drops below freezing, even for a few hours. Similarly, birds and insects may die if temperatures are high.

The immediate remedy would be to limit the use of fossil fuels, but as this is unfortunately not up to the people of the street, we can contribute our bit less powerful driving cars, heating and air conditioning using coherently, using appliances use energy efficiently ...

long-term solution is to extract energy from fossil fuels more efficiently, and developing alternative energy sources that do not produce greenhouse gases.

Links Forest Investment Ecobosques
EFEM Master in Quality Management and Environment
CCC Course in Environmental Management Technical
Amazon Books on Global Warming

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Disposible Wedding Hand Towels

precautions when buying second-hand floor

Buying a used home is a valid alternative to buying new, according to prices being considered. But we must consider several aspects in order not to go get hurt. Buy-In warn us of the precautions to take: Check

real state of the property : area, areas, and state water facilities (including pressure from the taps), electricity and gas , insulation ... In Low Cost Brokerage warn us not to forget to inform the state of the building, because, if necessary, we will pay our share of the resulting reforms or arrangements (the famous spill that ruin any budget).

Order in the Land Registry a simple note containing the particulars of the holder, housing characteristics and expenses you may have. Here several problems arise:

If the home appears to be mortgaged, it may be because although the mortgage is paid, it was not reported to the registry, in which case we will require the cancellation, or because further mortgaged the house, in which case we subrogate agree that mortgage to own expense or that the owner is canceled.

If the record is a note of the seizure or detention of demand, better not buy that home.
Ask the seller
last IBI receipt (Property Tax) and community owners. If you have not paid, to make the purchase is meant to assume the debt.

Consult the Department of City Planning the urban situation of the property.

addition to the above-mentioned bills, the seller must submit a photocopy of the title property (deed of sale), the statutes community and the general level housing, if any. If the meters do not match the actual given in writing, and have reviewed the home before purchase, we have no right to complain.

If the property is leased , although I not know, we'll have to wait for the completion of the lease.

always pays the same but raise the Euribor mortgage

Zero electric or gas heating
Seeking I have shared flat or apartment to share

Friday, November 16, 2007

Septic For Small Cabins

I want a digital camera

I want to buy a camera digital, but I do not know where to start, I go beyond the technicalities ... Surely that is what many think.

say in Telephoto the most important elements to consider are:

Objective Diameter: A large lens means that the camera captures more light and photos are sharper and brighter. And in low light, the picture quality will improve.

Quality Optical A quality lens is made with a good glass and better polished, so the image will have less distortion and defects. If we enlarge an image obtained with a lens of low quality, small details are blurred.

Megapixels: is, how much we can enlarge the image. Is sufficient to print on standard photo paper 3 megapixels, and more if we need a larger print or want to edit the image on your computer to cut and extend a fragment. Do not forget that must be accompanied by a good quality of the lens.

Optical Zoom: Lets you take pictures distant maintaining the quality of the image. In compact cameras ranging from 3 to 10 increases.

Size of camera: The SLR cameras are better, but have the disadvantage be very large. Currently, cameras are compact, very affordable for its size, and an optical near-professional.

Manual functions: compact cameras usually automatically adjust parameters such as time of exposure, focus, brightness ... For a manual control and a camera has to be professional or semi-recommended only for those who have specific knowledge of photography.

Memory Cards: Try to buy a camera with a card in common use. Currently the SD standard is also used on mobile phones, PDAs ... It has a very affordable price and you can enter in other devices, according to current needs.

In Gadgetoblog make us a warning: A special case is the camera phone. Let us not be guided by the megapixels. Never have the same quality as a digital. Despite what has improved since its introduction, there are always imperfections, because the sensor is very small and quite poor quality lenses. Also takes a long time from pushing the button until the picture is taken.

other words, buy the camera according to the use to which it will give. To take souvenir photos with friends and family, it practically anyone (better with flash) for printing the larger the common, we need more megapixels and lens quality, for images more seriously, a semi-compact camera with a good goal and a good optical zoom. Thereafter, a reflex camera.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How Much Cost Granite Headstone?2010

Demi Moore is back with a brilliant plan

Demi Moore returns to the screens, at 45 years and after a voluntary recall with the film Flawless .

has been presented in the last Film Festival San Sebastian Film Flawless (Flawless in English), directed by Michael Radford (director also and Pablo Neruda's Postman ), starring Demi Moore and Michael Caine.

is set in London in the 60's, where Laura Quinn (Demi Moore) is an executive of a major diamond company. Despite his talent and commitment, is frustrated when her career did not evolve because of the machismo of the time. When he finds out that getting fired, decides to take revenge on the company associated with Mr. Hobbs (Michael Caine), a maintenance worker who feels slighted. Hobbs claims to have a foolproof plan to commit a robbery that leaves no trace. And intelligence both will do the rest. Here's the trailer in English:

Demi says of his co-star, with whom he had worked in the 80 in Blame It on Rio, which is not only a legend but one of the best actors alive. Get you can not imagine anyone else playing their characters . Demi

never had theatrical training or academic. His work is one hundred percent instinct. At 14 he abandoned his studies to work as a model, and started doing small roles in television series to become the actress in the 90 Hollywood's highest-paid. School established the fact that, six months pregnant, played a nude on the cover of Vanity Fair .

In 1987, she married her second husband, Bruce Willis, in a charity event for children. The couple epitomized the glamorous Hollywood during the 12 years of their relationship.

Demi, whose real name is Demetria by a shampoo that her mother saw a notice, states have three passions: her husband (Ashton Kutcher), fashion and the search for inner peace.

with her current husband was married in secret by the Jewish ritual in September 2005. The fact that carrying 15 years sparked all kinds of commentaries. But she considers her soul mate, very sweet and more mature than expected at age 30. Her ex-husband, Bruce Willis, maintains a good relationship with them. They have put their selfishness aside and have given priority to his three daughters. Demi is the daughter of divorced parents who never were present and therefore wanted to be a stable mother and give them confidence.

15 years since I was a collector of vintage fashion . This passion is tied to his love for fashion in films such as the one in Breakfast at Tiffany movies or clothing of the 30's. Each time it finds a new model is like finding a treasure. One of the things I find most interesting of A Brilliant Plan, is the study of all the 60 days through style and fashion. All my movements, my way of walking, sitting, are determined by the costumes. It is meticulously detailed, as soon as I put one of those tight suits, carried me to the times of McArthur, to the years of repression and restrictions on all aspects that affect both women then.

All his friends consider it a very spiritual , and its current goal in life is to be the best wife, best mother, best friend ... But to achieve this balance has had to overcome I felt uncomfortable with her body, which made her spend hours a day on the bike, exercise and strict diets. And do not hesitate to undergo surgery to get better. But it has come to the conclusion that being thin does not equal happiness, but must embrace real beauty, which brings maturity. For it was crucial to start 4 years ago to study the Kabbalah, influenced by her best friend, Madonna. Kabbalah has many layers and many branches, some quite scientific and other simpler and more practical. According to her, has been a significant change in your life, helping her to value herself and be accepted.

Now that you have returned to play interesting roles for women her age, soon we will see in Mr. Brooks with Kevin Costner, which gets into the skin of a private detective.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pokemon Original 151 List

Lama Spanish

Baby Granada who shot to fame as the embodiment of a new lama is now 22 years and has resigned to his fate. Osel

Hita, his real name, was born in Bubión (Granada) in 1985. His parents, Francis and Mary had met in Ibiza in 70, which also contacted the previous lama Yeshe. Converted to Buddhism, married, and went to the Alpujarras, where they opened a Buddhist center. They had five children followed, the last Osel.

few months before he died of a heart ailment Lama Yeshe, at age 49. Quickly had to find his reincarnation. Monks and nuns with prophetic qualities led to Lama Zopa, disciple and best friend of Lama Yeshe, to the cradle of Osel.

His parents took him to Dharamsala in the Indian Himalayas, for presentation to the Dalai Lama. There were ten other candidates, but Osel passed all tests, recognizing objects that had belonged to Lama Yeshe. It was enthroned in a grand ceremony when she was two years.

returned to Granada with their parents, knowing they should start preparing for four years and eight leave the family home to go live to Sera Monastery. His tutor was Basili, the first husband of Mary, who had permission from Lama Zopa to punish him when his behavior was wrong. After four years, Osel had internalized their role as leader was gradually subiéndosele to the head. It was strange because he was treated as a demigod.

In 1991, Osel entered the monastery of Sera, where he lives with 4,500 monks. Although it has a special treatment, with raised and home self-discipline is very strong. He gets up at half past five, and the study days continue for 14 or 16 hours. Although mathematics and science are given very well, are not strong subjects. Most of the time studying Tibetan calligraphy, the metaphysics of emptiness ... all based on rote learning, that he is appalled.

He befriends a monk Australian Basili help in tutoring, and together they make a getaway, for example, to eat pizza. Small acts of rebellion that mean that these are destitute as tutors. Osel then the character of change, and it feels so only eight years old asks his mother him out of there. Not idle, Mary appears in Sera and takes him to spend the summer in Granada. For the slats, was a tantrum of a spoiled child western, and after a tense meeting in London returned to the monastery. Of course, with the condition that will accompany his father and one brother, have their own cook, and let him play the Game Boy. But in reality, was the first of a series of mishaps, which were worse in adolescence. As when a year was only given permission to stay in Spain for three days, and outwit the guardians, he and his mother escaped three weeks. In retaliation, Maria spent two years without seeing him. The couple divorced, because Francisco, the father, was more amenable to the lamas.

When in 2002, relations between India and Pakistan worsened, Lama Zopa recommended that Osel return to Spain until the situation calmed down. He joined his mother in Ibiza, where he discovered he was missing youth. He decided, at eighteen, going to study in Switzerland. The lamas issued a statement announcing that until they return to Sera to Tibetan education resume, there would be no further financial contribution to their education.

Now 22 years have enrolled in an Italian school to become a film director. Is free to choose your future and your career, but whatever you do, is destined to be the leader of Tibetan Buddhism in the West, and if it so chooses, may resume in future training as a spiritual master.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Frustrationgame Rules

leave Tibet and Philip Glass Leonard Cohen Book of Longing in Arcimboldo

For the first time, the visual work of Leonard Cohen takes the stage in conjunction with his verses, and it does Philip Glass, a giant of contemporary musical composition in the show Book of Longing, in the Autumn Festival in Madrid.

On 27 and 28 October was held at the Teatro Albéniz, within programming Madrid Autumn Festival, the show Book of Longing (The Book of Yearning), first joint work of Leonard Cohen and Philip Glass, in the European tour which includes four more performances.

surrender Both artists admired in this show, which premiered at the Luminato Festival of Canada in June and is the culmination of a mutual collaboration gestated for six years. They have been known for collaborating in the celebration of the 500 anniversary of Quebec for over 25 years.

Leonard Cohen is one of the most significant singers of our time. Sex, spirituality, depression, power ... in their emotional compositions full of metaphors and puns. With his deep voice and penetrating, has continued to dwell on the great themes of human experience.

born in Canada 72 years ago. He became known first as a poet, and after traveling through Europe in the United States recorded the first album, Songs of Leonard Cohen . He was at the height of Bob Dylan and Joan Baez in the 70's. In the 90's he became interested in Zen philosophy , what led him to enter a Buddhist monastery, an interest in its central figure, Sasali Joshu Roshi. I wanted to learn to be comfortable with himself and others like him. It was his first secretary and cook later. It was he who gave the name of Jikan (Silent). He remained there for eight years. On his return, he created the poems and drawings that make The Book of Yearnings .

Philip Glass became a milestone in the 70's, opening new musical paths based on the exploration of Eastern rhythms and is now one of the most important figures of culture.

born 70 years ago in the United States. He studied philosophy, but succumbed to the music, collaborating with Eastern artists such as Ravi Shankar. Has made great contemporary operas, including Einstein on the Beach , movie soundtracks, as Kundun (Martin Scorsese) or The Truman Show ; compositions for his own group, The Philip Glass Ensemble, and among his later works emphasizes Philip Glass: Orion , a collaboration with six other artists for the Olympic Games in Athens, and his Symphony No. 8 . It is Doctor Honoris Causa by three universities and Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Republic, among other awards.

Book of Longing is the union of Leonard Cohen poetry book published in 2006 with music by Philip Glass unclassifiable. The piece is a concerto for seven musicians, including electronic keyboard (one played by Glass himself), flute, clarinet, percussion, violin, cello, double bass and oboe. Four singers, soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor and baritone sing songs from lyrics from the poems, whose recorded voice reciting is also present at times. It is accompanied by projections of Cohen's drawings, mostly portraits, and provided with written statements. The result is a highly refined and elegant performance.

The poems are a motley collection that includes ballads, love poems, essays and autobiographical spiritual meditations written at the Monastery Mt Baldy and short comic pieces (named by Glass as limericks ) of five verses, where the first two rhyme with the last two.

The songs appear, one after another, the same song (same four-beat cadence, the same melodic lines repeated notes), while at the keyboard, Glass runs short, elegant melodic fragments, with complex and detailed repetitions .

Here's a video of the performance at the Festival in Groningen, although not in Castilian, it allows for an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe show.

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