Monday, January 28, 2008

South Park 3x01 Vo Streaming

Piña, as rich as healthy

The pineapple is the fruit of a plant family Bromeliaceae , now grown in most tropical countries of the world, which are attributed very beneficial effects on health.

Aids circulation, because they are high in bromelain (found mainly in the juice and stem), which dissolves clots and thins the blood, preventing circulation problems such as thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes.

Help control blood pressure, especially hypertension.

promotes digestion because digests proteins, which ingest the fresh fruit after a meal helps the stomach to perform its function and eliminates side effects of indigestion such as gas, bloating, heartburn ... At the same time slows the passage of food through the stomach and produces a feeling of satiety so you eat less.

Prevents constipation, because it regulates bowel movements.

eliminates bacteria from the digestive tract causing intestinal pain and diarrhea. It is even effective against intestinal worms. That's because bromelain destroys the covering of chitin that protects them.

helps in the treatment of obesity for their ability to digest fats.

Helps eliminate body water, preventing water retention, and thus helping to reduce weight.

Effective in the treatment of cellulite because desinfiltración favors, movement and disposal of surface water.

eliminates toxins through the urine due to its cleansing effect, improving kidney problems, bladder or prostate.

have very useful anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain. A recent study in the journal Clinical Rheumatology similar properties attributed to diclofenac. Evita tendinitis and bursitis, and is therefore included in the diet of any athlete, and helps to cure back pain, sprains or dislocations.

acts against free radicals antioxidant action, fighting chronic disease and improving life expectancy of its consumers. Decreases

cholesterol levels by up to ten percent, which prevents strokes.

Improvement various diseases such as ulcerative colitis, osteoarthritis, gout, sinusitis, uric acid ...

Recent studies attributed properties against cancer. A bromelain molecule blocks a protein defective in thirty percent of cancers and other factors stimulates the immune system attack and destroy cancer cells. This occurs in the breast, lung, colon, ovarian and melanoma.

Finally, a culinary curiosity: if cooking meat to add a piece of pineapple or a splash of juice are much more tender and juicy.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

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endangered sharks

The appearance of sharks on earth can be dated back 400 million years before dinosaurs and terrestrial mammals. And they have survived until today, test face as hard as mass extinctions, very important geological changes or other species that compete with them with the advantage of thousands of years of evolution. But they have a weak spot. Are slow to develop sexually and give birth to few offspring during their lifetime, which means that if the number of individuals decreases abnormally (for example, by overfishing), the shark population there is no time to regenerate and can put them in danger of extinction.

Until 20 years ago were often caught within the trawl fisheries, but posed no danger to the public. However, the decline in catches of species coveted commercially (such as tuna or swordfish) was that the eyes of the fishermen to turn to the sharks, mainly by demand from the Asian market.

French and English fishing practiced a type of cutting off the fins and returning the water, where they died, and they need to move to get water in their gills that allow them to breathe. The reason that only stay with the fins is the famous shark fin soup, mystified by Asians, which is aphrodisiac (it is shown to be false) and a great flavor (which actually provide spices .)

In 1999, the FAO quota approved a plan in which all countries participating catch sharks in order to preserve the species, if it is true that empowered the poorest fishing with traditional gear, unlimited amount.

The situation did not improve the contrary, whenever there was a greater danger of extinction. So in 2007, United Nations has decided to take measures for their conservation, which is not to everyone's liking. Sharks are still seen as a threat, even though only 30 of the 368 known species are dangerous. And while it may seem, there are more Asians who are captured, are English, 39% of the total.

These are the most endangered species:





And in Spain:



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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yellow Eyes, Cure, Treatment


The alarming fact is that although the contribution limits set by the government are relatively high, the average contribution to the REER (or RRSP) in the last year was $ 3.500.

But ... they do not affect me? Well, considering that the latest Canadian statistics say that men receive an average $ 501 monthly government pension and women $ 285, it is clear that it is more convenient to start NOW.

Talves already been realized as advertising in these week gives plenty of room to REER not by chance. Is that we are within the 60-day period given that the Canadian government so that we do, we have not done the year before ... that is, save for our retirement.

should I do now:

  1. Quote Find your notice so you know what the right amount of your contribution to the REER .
  2. Contact your financial security advisor to make the contribution. If you have the money to contribute the maximum, do it. But if you did, talk to your counselor to use a "credit spread REER. EYE, is not the same as a personal loan (Which is what banks usually offer.) The "credit spread REER has the advantage of being more flexible, allowing YOU to determine how & when to return the money used for the REER.
  3. Use your contribution to reduce the annual income you will use your tax return.
that simple! If you want to know more about the REER and want to contribute, contact me here .

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mouthwash You Can Swallow


Given the high unemployment rate of immigrants in Montreal, the ministries of Employment and Immigration of Quebec have formed a committee will meet from 15 January to 29 February 2008 with representatives of community organizations and employers of Montreal, Laval and Montérégie, with the aim of finding solutions to the problem of integration of immigrant labor .

For some measures and services offered by Emploi-Quebec altualmente to promote the occupational integration, enters the inventory.

FINALLY Hopefully a happy ending for immigrants. AMEN.

Swollen Nipples Not Pregnant Dog


With JobFuture Canada (or Emploi-Avenir), here are 20 jobs which were the highest paid in the year 2007. So if you are looking to do or how to redirect his career ... here's a hint:
  1. Engineering, Science and Architecture - Managers or Managers: $ 32.1 per hour

  2. Systems Engineers: $ 31.41 per hour

  3. Managers Information Systems: $ 31.34 per hour

  4. Managers in Public Administration: $ 31.19 per hour

  5. Electrical and Electryon: $ 30.92 per hour

  6. Production Managers (except Agriculture): $ 30.82 per hour

  7. Directors of Schools of Education Primeri and Secondary Education: $ 30.42 per hour

  8. Dentists: $ 30.38 per hour

  9. Judges, Lawyers and Notaries: $ 29.75 per hour

  10. Other Engineers: $ 29.69 per hour

  11. Civil Engineers, Mechanical and Chemical: $ 29.05 per hour

  12. Managers Human Resources: $ 28.89 per hour

  13. University Professors: $ 28.77 hour

  14. Managers or Managers Financial: $ 28.51 per hour

  15. airline pilots, and Flight Engineers Flight Instructors: $ 28.43 per hour

  16. Directors, Managers and Brokers in Insurance, Real Estate and Financial Management: $ 28.39 per hour

  17. Supervisors of Mines, Fuel and Gas: $ 28.31 per hour

  18. Directors and Heads of manufacturing: $ 28.27 per hour

  19. Administrators or Managers in Communication (except Broadcasting): $ 28.09 per hour

  20. Sales Managers, Marketing and Advertising: $ 28.06 per hour

Monday, January 14, 2008

Knightsbridge Porcelain Dolls

Anxiety natural treatment

Call anxiety can be beneficial when it warns us and stimulates us to a complicated situation, but very harmful when it involves anxiety or panic, and makes our day to day.

often do not know exactly what leads to that state. In mild cases that do not require medical consultation can apply these natural remedies:

Exercise every day. About 30 minutes is sufficient. Better company @ and outdoors, preferably early or late in the day.

Taking a bath half an hour, with background music and adding to water plants and aromatic oils.

a massage is recommended for all ages, located in a specific part or the whole body.

Eating a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits to provide vitamin B and magnesium, found in the fight against anxiety. It also helps the yeast combined with milk. Take

plant relaxing teas (chamomile, linden, valerian ...) as a coffee substitute.

Adopt a pet, according to studies, is very positive for anxiety, in addition to prolonging life expectancy and improve quality.

This article may be reproduced in whole or in part provided they include an active link to Rabid News

Sunday, January 13, 2008

How Far Do Airsoft Guns Shoot


Here are step one videito of a couple of "ladies" very funny.

Hope you enjoy ...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Marines Eyesight Requirements

Hello dear friends, with this post I notice they have available on our site a resource to connect to the companies responsible for public transport in major cities throughout Canada.

Entering each of these you know the road map of each city, bus schedules and train and plan a travel route.

Visit us y bon voyage!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Where To Donate Plasma In Orange County

traffic fines to be received by email or sms

The DGT (Dirección General de Tráfico) has been referred to a panel of experts the task of managing the processing of fines more promptly. The result is a series of amendments designed to prevent rogue traders, and the use of new technologies.

It creates the usual driver. When the time of committing the offense does not stop the vehicle (for example, because it was detected by a radar station), it is necessary to identify the driver. Although usually done on a voluntary basis, there are some cases, most seriously, in that it is not. A Constitutional Court ruling has set a precedent that if the owner of the vehicle to avoid identification, this suggests that it was he who committed the violation. The proposal is that by making the registration or transfer of a vehicle, in addition to the information already provided (home, NIF ...) specifies a common conductor is an individual and driver's license, because if the owner is a legal entity or individual without permission you can not charge the penalty. Any infringement in which it does not stop the vehicle and not know who leads fall on the regular driver, who may rely on information that exonerated.

SMS or email notification. Currently notification of a traffic ticket is by mail, but for various reasons (the most common change of address), in many cases the notice is less than interested. The next step in the publication in the Official Gazette of province where the violation occurred, which the offender is almost never full. The proposal is that this notification is made by email, sms or telephone advice. According to the Law on Electronic Access to Public Services could require that a legal person (company, association ...) provide an email to make the registration or transfer of a vehicle. In the case of an individual would also be advisable, but if not, should provide a phone number, fixed or mobile, where they report a possible violation. If communication is understood to ignore the rejection of the notice and proceed with the publication in the newsletter appropriate official, as a novelty, a website established for this purpose.

vehicle immobilization. When to stop a vehicle, the officer finds, with immediate access to the database of traffic, the driver of it has two or more fines for serious or very serious, with no appeal pending and unpaid, may immobilize the vehicle if the fine is just imposed is not paid immediately. It is assumed that, otherwise, the probability that it also is very high end unpaid. If the driver has no driving license will immobilize the vehicle immediately, and even can be removed.

Payment on the spot fine. Stopping a vehicle to put a fine, most drivers accept that they have committed. One way to expedite the processing would be the agents could collect it immediately, in cash or by credit card, with the incentive of a significant discount on the amount. If the offender does not have financial means at the time, would have a term of 10 or 15 days to make a transfer, also benefiting from the discount. The payment does not mean renouncing the right to appeal the fine. Against

firms withdrawal penalties. Companies specializing to remove fines are welcome tactics (legal on the other side) to delay the administrative proceedings as much as possible, even to your prescription. To this end, the first thing is not to sign the documents sent to the Administration. This can not accept so, and must give a period of 10 days to correct the defect. In the process of reporting back, shipping and return of documents ... is what these companies are based in order to prolong the process. The new proposal not be supported documents not signed or is deemed not to have contributed.

All these new proposals will be reviewed by the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) and if decides to implement them, must be adopted by Parliament as Act

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